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系统介绍: C-13 NMR波谱信息是有机化合物结构分析最重要的手段,CISOC-WEBCNMR能精确预测新化合物的C-13 NMR谱,以解决传统的数据库不能提供新化合物的C-13 NMR谱的问题。
CISOC-WEBCNMR is used to predict C-13 NMR spectrum of organic compound. It is a complement of C-13 NMR database and useful in identification of structures.




* If you want to get full access to the Simulation of C-13 NMR, please contact with Lab of Computer Chemistry and Cheminformatics, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, CAS. Tel:(86)(21)54925266 Fax:(86)(21)54925264